
Nutritional and Seasonal Rhythms – SPRING!!!

SPRING is the season of the beginning of small yang and is characterized by growth, movement and expansion. The body’s qi flows strongly again and seeks to expand freely. Food during this season should supplement qi, allow it to course freely and support Liver and Spleen functions. RECOMMENDED Spring Foods -Mildly warming foods with upbearing […]

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Place yourself in the hands of someone who is board certified

You may have heard the recent news about world-class judoka athlete, Kim Ribble-Orr, and what ordeal she has had to endure that ultimately ended her career as an athlete and her ability to live the life she previously lived.  Read National Post article here: http://news.nationalpost.com/2013/07/04/judo-acupuncture-needle/ There are a couple of statements in the article that resonate […]

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Stress can present itself in many ways

It may be summer, but stress seems to be a part of life in the Western world. There are many ways that stress can manifest in each individual. As long as we are able to recognize the signs and symptoms, we can do our best to alleviate them and manage the stress in our day-to-day-lives. […]

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Welcome to the evolving site of AcuDynamics Wellness! We have just launched this site and it is a work in progress, so keep coming back to watch for exciting changes!   Joanne Bryan is the Registered Acupuncturist at AcuDynamics Wellness. She  is dedicated to your health and well-being. She uses acupuncture, tui na, cupping, moxa, and […]

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#123, 1628 West 1st Ave,
Vancouver BC,
V6J 1G1
(604) 454-4772