Qi beauty Facial Treatments
Qi is the energy within you that plays a major role in maintaining your health and vitality as you age. Likewise, skin requires qi stimulation to assist effective oxygenation and regeneration. There are many different Qi beauty facials and your Qi beauty therapists will know the best facial to target your specific needs. A Qi beauty therapist will design the best facial to activate your qi to reconnect the energy that your skin requires to promote vitality and a youthful appearance.
What is the process?
Your Qi therapist will assess your skin before designing a personalised face matrix that will integrate techniques to carry qi into lines and areas that require nutrient support for volume and lift.
During your facial 1000 Qi micro-magnets will be placed gently on meridians to reconnect your qi. The micro magnets have been specifically designed for skin pH compatibility and will be positioned according to your personalised face matrix.
While your skin is stimulated during the Qi beauty process, Ionic gels, creams, serums and nutrients are applied in sequence to deliver a luxurious facial with lasting results. Your Qi therapist will then personalise a home kit for you to support the results of your Qi beauty facial.
How long will it last?
This is the best part about the Qi beauty concept. The results of the Qi beauty facial are supported by the home kit which allows you to continue Qi stimulation to continue qi circulation. This means that you are able to maintain your qi long term for an anti-ageing solution.
Every facial builds on the last and your Qi beauty therapists will guide you in the frequency of treatment depending on your age, skin condition and your goals.
What are the benefits?
Your skin will be visibly improved after your first Qi beauty facial. Clinical results have shown that the Qi beauty facial will assist the ability of the skin to :
•Plump and tone dehydrated skin
•Lift and define facial features
•Decrease size of pores
•Reduce the appearance of pigmentation
•Reduce the depth of wrinkles
•Repair/reduce broken capillaries
•Provide a long term anti-ageing solution