September 22, 2023 – Communicable Disease Prevention Protocols is in place
Please be aware that even with Covid-19 restrictions and mandates currently being lifted, the possibility of exposure to and illness from infectious diseases (including but not limited to MRSA, Influenza and Covid-19) still exists. On April 8, 2022 the BC PHO advised businesses that they can transition to the WorkSafeBC Communicable Disease Prevention Protocols & Policies.
However, please be aware that we have moved into ‘Cold and Fly’season and additional restrictions to mandates may be put in place again at any time.
Our current protocols at AcuDynamics Wellness include:
- Inform AcuDynamics Wellness staff if you are experiencing any symptoms of a communicable disease upon arrival or at anytime during their treatment. (eg: sore throat, runny nose, fever, chills, or have any recent onset of cough, diarrhea, skin rashes, or unusual symptoms). Anyone who is sick or experiencing symptoms, will be assessed before determining if they will be permitted into the office, or to continue with treatment that is already in session that day
- FACE MASKS for clients are RECOMMENDED. The BC PHO and World Health Organization (WHO) both recommend masks be worn in clinical indoor settings where people are in close proximity to one another. (NOTE: A fabric mask or medical mask is ideal. If you do not arrive with a FACE MASK, you can purchase one for $2.00)
- Continue to arrive ON-TIME (avoid arriving early) and ALONE, for your appointment, so there is no waiting time in the reception area and we can continue to maintain a 2 person occupancy capacity in the office
- Continue to use hand sanitizer upon entering and before leaving the office. (Hand Sanitizer will be provided at the entrance and in the treatment area of the office)
- Continue to consent to health and safety risk assessments and health checks – which may include: a) Completing a short pre-booking questionnaire when scheduling an appointment b) Completing a Daily Health Declaration upon arrival as well as receiving a temperature scan
- Continue to maintain the 2 meter (six feet) personal distancing before and after treatment and place personal belonging in the bins provided
- Continue to practice good hygiene (by washing or sanitizing your hands regularly) and continue to cough or sneeze into your elbow
- Be aware that possible exposure to illness from infectious disease STILL EXISTS and that by coming to the clinic, you acknowledge and assume the risk of possible infection of a communicable disease
AcuDynamics Wellness RESPONSIBILITIES:
- Continue to do our best to assess and address risks that come with resuming operations
- Continue to minimize the risk of both airborne and surface transmission in accordance with the the Provincial Health Officer of BC, WorkSafe BC and our Industry and Professional Associations (CTCMA and ATCMA) and the WHO and as of April 8, 2022 transition to the Communicable Disease Prevention Protocols and Policies measures. These measures include:
- – Continuing to adhere to the Clean Needle Technique, for the practice of Acupuncture
- – Continue to limit the occupancy of the office to TWO people and prohibiting any visitors
- that would exceed that limit
- – Continuing to operate at a reduction in the number of daily appointments to allow for thorough cleaning and disinfection between clients
- – Maintaining the signage for personal distancing, hand washing, hand sanitizing, mask requirement and covering of coughs and sneezes
- – Maintaining the clear pvc furniture covers, so cleaning and disinfection can be done more effectively
- – Maintaining the removal of shared items (magazines, handheld mirror, washroom key)
- – Continuing to provide hand sanitizer for both clients and staff
- – Continuing to clean, disinfect and launder all treatment equipment and surfaces, after each use
- – Continue to maintain a rigorous cleaning schedule for common areas and high-touch surfaces
- – Continue with keeping a thorough list of client appointments, should contact tracing be required
- – Practitioners are REQUIRED to wear a wear a face mask when treating clients and wear a uniform or lab coat as per the CTCMA’s Communicable Disease Prevention guidelines
- – Practitioners are REQUIRED to have good hygiene practices, perform frequent hand washing/hand sanitizing. They will also continue to have a daily health-check and will stay home if sick
PLEASE NOTE: Practitioners at AcuDynamics Wellness have been fully vaccinated as of January 2022. Practitioners have and will continue to receive any/all booster doses recommended by the PHO of BC